Jim Wiecking
Research and Grants Program Administrator
[email protected](434) 395-2987Research & Academic Initiatives
Rotunda 130
Heather Wiegand
HR Analyst I
[email protected](434) 395-2952Human Resources Office
Eason Hall 118B
Jennifer Adams Wilkerson
Associate Vice President of Fiscal Operations
[email protected](434) 395-2388Accounting & Financial Reporting
Eason Hall 213E
Becky Williams
Financial Services Spec I
[email protected](434) 395-2087Payroll
Eason Hall 121
John Williams
Security Officer III
[email protected](434) 395-4946Police and Public Safety
Dorrill 162
Angela Wilson
Misc EE Supv Teach Acad Yr
[email protected]Office of Teacher Prep (OTP)
Jean Wilwohl
Sen Dir of RCL
[email protected](434) 395-2080Residential and Commuter Life
Eason Hall G13
Bryant Winbush
Adjunct Faculty-CEHS
[email protected]Education and Counseling
Kim Wingo
Financial Svcs Mgr II
[email protected](434) 395-2735Academic Affairs
Rotunda 127
Kim Witcher
Sr. Benefits Specialist
[email protected](434) 395-2632Human Resources Office
Eason Hall 116

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