Marissa Bolin
Lecturer of English
[email protected](434) 395-2423English and Modern Languages
Grainger 104
Rick Bolling
Adjunct Faculty-Grad Studies
[email protected]Education and Counseling
Priscilla Booker
Assistant Early Childhood Teacher/Education Support Assistant
[email protected](434) 395-4868Andy Taylor Center for Early Childhood Development
Lankford Ground Floor
Julienne Boone
Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions
[email protected](434) 395-2334College of Graduate & Professional Studies
Rotunda 142
Kirsten Bowen
[email protected](434) 395-2329Cashiering and Student Accounts
Eason 205A
Kathy Bowles
Misc EE Supv Teach Acad Yr
[email protected](434) 395-2331Office of Teacher Prep (OTP)
Hull 141
Ivana Boyd
Asst Coach, Women's Basketball
[email protected](434) 395-2057Athletics - Women's Basketball
Tabb 200
Kerri Boyd
Financial Serv Spec I
[email protected](434) 395-2634Accounts Payable
Eason Hall 213C
Kristen Boyle
Associate Professor of Mathematics
[email protected](434) 395-2184Mathematics & Computer Science
Rotunda 337
Laura Leigh Bradley
Educ Support Specialist II
[email protected](434) 395-2479Dean of Students
Brock Hall 206

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